About Our Centre
The Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) is not-for-profit, disability-led and community-based, providing service to entire communities on disability issues. Our Charitable Organization Number is 88832 8432 RR0001.
RCD Key Message
The Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) is a resilient organization within an often challenging funding environment. We are participant-focused and committed to empowering our diverse, cross-disability membership. We do this by remaining approachable and responsive to member and stakeholder needs. Our flexible and resourceful Centre staff work collaboratively with our participants. Thanks to this teamwork, and through our many activities and services, we regularly witness our members’ MOVING FORWARD with perseverance in self-determination and growth toward independence.
Our Mission
The RCD is committed to empowering people of all abilities to participate with dignity and confidence in their community and achieve independence to their fullest capabilities through a friendly environment, which provides information, resources, training and support, while increasing public awareness and promoting universal accessibility.
Our Vision
All people, regardless of their abilities, will maximize independence with confidence and dignity.
Our Values
In keeping with the Independent Living Philosophy, the RCD is committed to delivering services to persons with disabilities that reflects dignity, diversity, knowledge, self-determination.
Our Core Values
Dignity, Diversity, Knowledge, Self-Determination
RCD is about PEOPLE
The RCD is a grass root organization run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities. Every year close to 30,000 Canadians with disabilities, their families, communities and stakeholders benefit from our support and services across the Lower Mainland.
We take a cross and multi-disability, self-directed and inclusive approach. We support Independent Living (IL) for persons with disabilities. IL is not a special interest; IL is mainstream and serves entire communities. IL principles and practices are based on human dignity and individual rights for all, enabling and empowering access and adaptation; not maintenance, institutionalization and lack of control. IL is about people – all people.
What is Independent Living IL?
IL is a philosophy, a way of changing the way society views people with disabilities and the way people with disabilities view themselves. It is a worldwide Movement of, by and for people with disabilities working together to remove attitudinal and environmental barriers that prevent full participation in society.
At the heart of the IL Movement is working with individuals to build the skills and capacities that are necessary to lead a health and participatory life within their homes and communities alike. Such skill building and empowerment creates a shared awareness and understanding of the issues, barrier and desires that shape one’s life. This common understanding serves as a supportive base from which to work towards full integration.
People with disabilities are provided with the knowledge and skills to explore options, make choices, take risks, and learn from their own mistakes as they themselves decide on a course of action for their daily lives.
The RCD is an accredited member of the Independent Living Canada (IL Canada), formerly the Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres, and works with other centres across Canada to promote independent living.
Click here to download a RCD Brochure
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Click here to view the RCD promotion video
Click here to learn about RCD Founder Frances Clark (1935-2015)
Frances Clark (1935 - 2015)
Frances was a founding member of RCD and its first chair. She had received numerous honours for community services and volunteering work; including the Prime Minister’s Volunteer Award of Lifelong Achievement in 2014. Frances passed away on March 23, 2015, she is sorely missed by many people.
Rest in Peace.